

Quick command tour

Reading values in memory

32-bit integer:

$ proctal read --pid=12345 --address=EC5E096F --type=integer --integer-bits=32

Double precision floating-point number:

$ proctal read --pid=12345 --address=3B0335D5 --type=ieee754 --ieee754-precision=double

Array of 32-bit integers:

$ proctal read --pid=12345 --address=EC5E096F --type=integer --integer-bits=32 --array=4


Writing values to memory

32-bit integer:

$ proctal write --pid=12345 --address=EC5E096F --type=integer --integer-bits=32 571

Double precision floating-point number:

$ proctal write --pid=12345 --address=3B0335D5 --type=ieee754 --ieee754-precision=double 25.2

Four 32-bit integers:

$ proctal write --pid=12345 --address=EC5E096F --type=integer --integer-bits=32 571 0 -235893634 -759425

Searching values in memory

All 32-bit integers with the value 32:

$ proctal search --pid=12345 --type=integer --integer-bits=32 --eq=32
211399D0 32
783BC3F7 32
B0032BAD 32
F263741D 32

Checking which have changed since the previous search:

$ proctal search --pid=12345 --type=integer --integer-bits=32 --eq=32 > results
$ proctal search --pid=12345 --type=integer --integer-bits=32 --changed --review < results
211399D0 35
783BC3F7 1
B0032BAD -1245
F263741D 239478923

Watching for memory accesses

Watching for reads and writes on address 1c09346.

$ proctal watch --pid=12345 --read --write 1c09346

Finding instructions in memory

A call instruction followed by a sub that acts on the rsp register.

$ proctal pattern --pid=12345 '48 83 EC ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ??'
$ proctal read --pid=12345 --address=493690 --type=x86 --array=2 --show-address --show-bytes
493690  sub     rsp, 0x18
        48 83 EC 18
493694  call    0x49364c
        E8 AF FF FF FF

Disassembling instructions in memory

Disassembling x86 instructions:

$ proctal read --pid=12345 --address=400570 --type=x86 --array=5
sub     rsp, 0x18
mov     dword ptr [rsp + 0xc], 0
call    0x400530
mov     edi, 0x400764
mov     esi, eax

With corresponding addresses:

$ proctal read --pid=12345 --address=400570 --type=x86 --array=5 --show-address
400570  sub     rsp, 0x18
400574  mov     dword ptr [rsp + 0xc], 0
40057C  call    0x400530
400581  mov     edi, 0x400764
400586  mov     esi, eax

With bytecode:

$ proctal read --pid=12345 --address=400570 --type=x86 --array=5 --show-address --show-bytes
400570  sub     rsp, 0x18
        48 83 EC 18
400574  mov     dword ptr [rsp + 0xc], 0
        C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00 00
40057C  call    0x400530
        E8 AF FF FF FF
400581  mov     edi, 0x400764
        BF 64 07 40 00
400586  mov     esi, eax
        89 C6

Allocating memory

Allocating 32 bytes:

$ proctal allocate --pid=12345 32


$ proctal deallocate --pid=12345 636DFF6F

Dumping memory contents to file

Dump everything to dump.bin:

$ proctal dump --pid=12345 > dump.bin

Only dump what's between 7F7BE75E0714 and 7F7BE75ED1A0:

$ proctal dump --pid=12345 --address-start=7F7BE75E0714 --address-stop=7F7BE75ED1A0 > dump.bin

Pausing program execution

Pressing CTRL + C on your terminal stops the command.

$ proctal pause --pid=12345

Executing code

Executing a couple of no-ops.

$ proctal execute --pid=12345 <<EOD
	nop ; This is a comment